Artistic Yoga International
Division of International Integral Yoga Society ASA
Creator and founder Yogacharya Fernando Estévez Griego
(Swami Maitreyananda) in 1971
Festivals and Championships of
ArtisticYoga ®

Internationals Festivals of Artistic Yoga ® and
World Championships Mundiales of Artistic Yoga ®

1) 1º International Festival of Artistic Yoga ® 1987 Montevideo -Uruguay
2) 2º International Festival of Artistic Yoga ® 1988 Maldonado-Uruguay
3) 1º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 1989 Montevideo-Uruguay
4) 3º International Festival of Artistic Yoga ® 1990 Buenos Aires-Argentina
5) 4º International Festival of Artistic Yoga ® 1991 Buenos Aires-Argentina
6) 5º International Festival of Artistic Yoga ® 1992 Nuev Delhi-India
7) 6º International Festival of Artistic Yoga ® 1993 Buenos Aires-Argentina
8) 2º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 1994 Buenos Aires-Argentina
9) 7º International Festival of Artistic Yoga ® 1995 Buenos Aires-Argentina
10) 3º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 1996 Porto Alegre - Brasil
11) 4º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 1997 Genova - Italia
12) 5º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 1998 Buenos Aires-Argentina
13) 8º International Festival of Artistic Yoga ® 1998 Rio Janeiro-Brasil
14) 6 º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 1999 Montevideo-Uruguay
15) 7º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 2000 Rio Janeiro-Brasil
16) 9 º International Festival of Artistic Yoga ® 2000 Nueva Delhi -India
17) 10 º International Festival of Artistic Yoga ® 2000 Rishikesh -India
18) 8º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 2001 Buenos Aires-Argentina
19) 9º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 2002 Rio Janeiro-Brasil
20) 10º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 2003 San Maria-Portugal
21) 11º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 2004 Madrid -España
22) 12º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 2005 Milan-Italia
23) 13º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 2006 Nueva Delhi-India
24) 14º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 2007 México- Mexico
25) 1º Professional World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 2007 Montevideo-Uruguay
26) 2º Professional World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 2008 J. C Paz-Argentina
27) 15º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® 2008 Colonia-Uruguay
28) 11º International Festival of Artistic Yoga ® 2008 Buenos Aires-Argentina
29) 1º World Championship of Artistic Yoga ® and Nada-Mantra Yoga 2009 Buenos Aires, Argentina
30) World Yoga Championship of Artistic Yoga ® Rosario City, Santa Fe - Argentina 2010

There were 21 festivals and championships Latino Americans, American, South American, European and Indian. More festivals and national championships in India, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Mexico, Pakistan, USA, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Denmark, Uruguay, Bangladesh, Malaysia and others in the presence of the creator of the method and style of Artistic Yoga ®, the master Yogacharya Fernando Estevez Griego.

Since 1985 were 17 world championships of artistic yoga ® and 74 festivals around the world